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Seminar II: Black Women and Historic Preservation in Atlanta

  • Haugabrooks Art Gallery 364 Auburn Avenue Northeast Atlanta, GA, 30312 United States (map)

Founded in 1980 by Mrs. Coretta Scott King, the original goal of the Historic District Development Corporation (HDDC) was to restore the MLK, Jr. Historic District to what it had been during Dr. King’s childhood—a viable, proud, and economically diverse neighborhood. Since its founding forty-five years ago, HDDC and the example of Mrs. King’s historic preservation efforts continue to provide meaning for and inspiration to Black women preservationists. This session will give voice to the local pioneers in the field and those currently working to save the spaces and places important to Black Atlanta. For more information, please visit this link.

Guest Speaker:

  • Mtamanika Youngblood, Former President/CEO, HDDC


  • Chenee Joseph, President/CEO, HDDC

  • M. Alexis Scott, Journalist and Publisher, Atlanta Daily World

  • Karcheik Sims-Alvarado, Ph.D., Preserve Black Atlanta

  • Candy Tate, Ph.D., Museum Curator, Tuskegee University